Yeast infection food list implies the types of food that holistically treat yeast infection from within. Yeast infection is an infection that proliferates in areas where skin rubs against skin, like the genitalia, the underside of breasts, armpits and even toes. It is seen that women usually suffer from yeast infection though it can affect men and children too. It is true that yeast infection and chances of recurring yeast infection depends on the food that we eat.
Foods that contain yeast are spicy, oil rich, sugar laden such types of processed food. Junk food, chocolates, cheese, meat are actually yeast prone food. A person who already suffers from yeast infection will suffer all the more from such kinds of food. The fungus Candida albicans upsets the delicate balance of the vagina and proliferates if a woman eats such kind of diet regularly.
Yogurt is called ‘probiotic’ which means it contains friendly bacteria that naturally suppress the growth of Candida albicans and other harmful bacteria. Also diabetics and people with high sugar levels have chances to suffer all the more from recurring yeast infection. The reason for this is because the fungus Candida albicans derive sugar for their growth from such kind of diet.
What do you eat in order to cure yeast infection? Curd is a topper in the yeast infection food list. Yogurt or curd is known to have healthy bacteria called lactobacillus acidophilus which restores the acidic-alkaline balance of the vagina.
If you intake yogurt regularly, you can expect tremendous relief from yeast infection. Yogurt can also be applied in the vagina with the help of a spatula in order to cure yeast infection. Garlic is another worthy addition to yeast infection food list. Garlic has intrinsic properties that remove yeast infection. You will be amazed that nature has in store some of the best products that cure yeast infection.
Foods that help cure yeast infection naturally are any day preferable allopathic medicines which provide temporary relief. You should eat 3-4 cloves on a day to day basis to cure yeast infection. A balanced nutritious diet consisting of vegetables like broccoli, whole grains, fruit and of course yogurt are ideal to cure yeast infection.
Ideally you should consume alkaline rich foods rather than acidic food like fish, eggs, meat etc. Alkaline rich foods include spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, soybeans, potatoes, asparagus, figs, carrots, broccoli, almonds, apricots and avocados.
You can learn more about how to Cure Yeast Infection Fast by eating the right foods. Go to the Yeast Infection Food List.
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